Vårbal på Kavallerimässen


7 juni, 2024 – 8 juni, 2024    
18:15 – 01:30

Event Type

Dinner & dance in Stockholm
Friday 7th of June 2024
At the cavalry officers mess
Lidingövägen 28, Stockholm

Fresh white asparagus with hollondaise sauce and fish roe
White wine Riesling, Rheinhessen
Special Swedish dish Wallenbergare of venison
Red wine Pinot Noir
Rubarb cake – Red fine ruby port wine
Musical distractions during desert

Mingle & dance to DJ
Carriages at 01.30 am

Location: Lidingövägen 28, Stockholm, time: At 18.15, dinner at 19.15 (sharp)
RSVP – ASAP – latest 27
ofMay – Tickets reserved on first come first serve principle.
Dress code : Black Tie / Uniform
Important notes
As the military mess is on military ground every guest needs to send to Michael Kindahl email.
M.Kindahl@amk-ic.com the passport no, / Swedish social security no. and pls. indicate also food
allergies if any when signing up. Price for ball ticket is SEK 1.440/ Euro 126
Payment för Swedish payments to Bank-girot M Kindahl 5737-5388,
For international payments please contact Michael Kindahl, for bank details see below.
Questions Mobile: +46 70 420 1181, please call or email, thank you.
Very welcome to the Party